Concord Children’s Center hosts a variety of events throughout the year for our children, families, and the greater Concord community. These events include informational evenings focusing on our curriculum and programs, social gatherings for parents, fundraisers, learning opportunities, and fun events for the whole family. If you want to meet other families, get involved with your child’s school, or learn more about CCC, these events are a great way to do it!
Click on an event below for more information and visit this page often as we add new events!
Fall Events
CCC kicks off the school year with family picnics at both sites and then hosts an all-CCC adult-only social in September or October at the home of one of our families.
This informational evening opens with a general introduction to CCC, our programs, and our administrators before parents go into classrooms to meet their children's teachers and hear about what their children will be learning during the upcoming year.
Local merchant The Concord Bookshop kindly allocates a percentage of all sales on a fall Saturday to CCC. CCC teachers read books to children while parent volunteers help shoppers select books. It’s a great chance to get a head start on your holiday shopping while supporting CCC. CCC is also featured in the Bookshop window for one week in November -- always a chance for our children to display their artistic talents!
Families interested in enrolling their children in CCC for the next school year can visit both of our sites, ask questions, and pick up an application at this November Saturday event, which opens our enrollment season.
Winter Events
For one night each winter, CCC children, parents, educators and administrators have the Discovery Museum to themselves at our annual Night at the Museum event. This event is open to all CCC families, both current and past, as well as to CCC staff.
Spring Events
Celebrate Concord Children's Center is our spring community soirée. Parents, teachers, alumni parents, and Concord community members all come out for this special adults-only evening, which includes a live auction. For more information or to get involved with Celebrate Concord Children's Center, please contact CCC Development Coordinator Jennifer Saxe.
A very special morning when special friends of CCC students are invited to school for a light breakfast and to participate in a special activity. One of CCC’s most beloved events!
CCC wraps up the school year with family picnics at each site.